Saturday, 10 February 2024

everyday flow, not singer, work so hard "get for when on stage" no invisible, a million particles, what's behind it, drifting - say something, as that form


hope, in not being chastised, do it a different way .. no wide area, no head, no arms .. feet .. walk .. wide area, no complete, be a form, speak, smallest human .. just by the way .. just by the side

the where is it , confyused mass, or delicate "pick it a[asrtt" try to asserm,ble it, something nop pne ever sayd .. gl;ide no asrea opn s[otlight, no asrea klnown .. sdome .. thing you never said .. life, world, lifespan .. shape form we never said werre niver meanmt to say

awkward dumb in your own genitals or no space coffee shop school auditorium drift size smallness bigness no being circumvent all particles become anything now


peopkle thriow the good deed, sioftky,. lands, sduiftkly, try to erxplain the old wat, is only waty,. use iot s new way, despersrte "someine "pit there" wonlt come bsck, thry wonl;t go ahead

the dirt, each other not presented the best, clean, ready for the day, ready to be seen .. is it all infectious, or said at last, ineffectaffectyuiin delerium delicious no roytoych tongue mind royal spledor start small no beung in mist appear sdhy tyest watersd this plasce "life", nio hugher lervbel, accdebntal, pasintyerm, nit alone on the dtufio

who is that


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