as walk away, or walk into - stand there - shock of mist centre of trauma of conventional conversatiion last resortweather poor or hot sand spitting hurtuing fsce sandstuirm of lush dustribe say no amp nio mic no person no pasrtner of coffee offtce builduings ahd nstyure trails of sugar are bnever that marred in delivery as the best earthued, just "being" realizing there is more yiu-tude, like a thin glass educationwall, on other side of sit at a stream is there any, a piece of things of buiklt and built-up wind a psth some greenery relax "and leasrn" not really .. asll thuis, never filmed hesrd edited fret overt "make then"fitted
in the openlike ask someone "definitely come-open-semi like out of whatever vehcoopfoilholicle you're in the gum or prucessed granola bar, form weird words will not fly insipane glassokay walk bridge of glass winduw syudeways no obstrtct clsrity straighten out bridge to vision no bridge walk say it in opressure himn bnirmalityground form before language began as not develop just say touch gently all the way through, just say .. any .. I can't even ask you the i'll say ity assking yiou hidden in it please do more i trued so hard" of design "fast true .." the thing, to impishpart, unfold hairs a book, like "new place a ministrfraid" streetway, folded up a not paper, clumsy, not perfect, worn edges, a bit of dirt, holds it steady
never say interlocution, safe be pronoiunce, no design boubnce from the beginning words, way back, in beginning before i said itwent way way on histiry religoo by this time make paste on, even if yonderung, or aging through ladders "not even here" the complete thing climn works, all buildings, contraptions columns, engines artyucles, want, fuel
no beat so tired of "the nope a render simple less notion of" "sun" "moon" the planets, people, arguing, they never stop .. of "then ..?" of not even a different picture, never survived, immediately, or milliseconds later, touched merched "must not be t-shirt" mind can't a be smatterizza cleanhandle it, want rainwait .. be as it too .. report predyct
each feels duct, the way waddle their stay on earth, can never be the waterfoul .. what of deep submarchstcornliminal want forces of gentle plabt paint corn painted on stalks and sticks and string up, not Didnt bither real madeNA not available but held from something funny sometimes ast risk as move earth movienever moves t0o sold to dysdtrybutor, as what zerohappens, get to end of each stride in cinverse live ghruiw up, voice held and sound, give up share untained breath
cleaned of moist not really form immediate my intioform would furm ity, it would be acceoted conformity .. to evenmm hdve extera so that's spasce take no one's spasce, ask iof use spaceshops clothes grt up in morning "I;m here not usuing yiouir voice space" "yesm, yuou muddy use thsdty - I'd like you to clean use that create out mouth small damsge of you canm past shock limit appeserabnce it happens any iof this to any of us
esrth, not a bought on sale real, or very real save up fir griw do usyual day, did we ekes out no one ever account there so rasther do this thst would do stxch a thng hammer and nasils balsce, perstycal durty mandibles storrtysge chew dares days in - oh
the agreessive be at a sit plum egregious so obvious and is it any i like "doubt a sibilan6 lispstsrt" 'is a person reward of buy cereal ahd almond milkcalm no not so special frilled sleeves quill and weruterfey
changes rooter intelligent ball of world effort shiftsshes gentle whisper (as if can mid-blahsh be gentle and shhoo kind in reality afford that speed aghd slowshooness says okay) (placid Platesisir will be a lout why undrerrstedidentified of say beginning words flommat no being format of flesh not keep fleash secerts fur who thry do it with .. easy say no being of voices is cintinuing growinmh nio space seen in metalustal esrth sustebnce space 'I dunt thnk bent I see it" there live get so nomorenergy do things of flesh nervous as hasrryed but cioming thrtiough as a day of thuis be as fiddle make as necessary to whjst is thus assistant to bookcases not books better nit made any try thsdt fsr yes keep it ahjd empy big space serttkle here, a but iof dtst from whirling no robs of adore idolize a wet rag, vacuum, do chores around house to) cryinmg out "chores bus to crying out I dunt do those things it but let's do the chuires it will appesr no itls alreasdy not here" "yeah, I did cavbort duble-meaningsome"
today convermeaningfulstasrtatuional, of thuis no start it up, a mknibioke, lster a more substantial moricycje broke optionflus say lsnmgusdge for this more of-or-the reply a wantstop-cycle of ah traffic lights it's okay subduvujde a conversation roads fsces younger older vucabdeliver pay gert out of all from space trucktyck of conversation watch to i rnjoy the centre help trauma of conventional convertversation
versuslook at silence or yes about a person lived this and this
or even casual mention stare at as canme in as would make it cranky thus okay thusmeertung let out of cage plsces esrth of thus of not be pushed kicked of "cant you see?" my way, or i;ll put you in cafge (admittedky a lot deserve ti be there) "itls all working nowell?" thst said of invasive trees local or inrternsdtuinasl celebrsdte a summeror stell midriff sore exercram, examnit so greast get pasper, no be outsyudes pauper of look pop her stroke and zit be scceoted say it sane acneme as outstyde same as earth
not so silly no one shows up sdo scasred pop bottle so shy weak of less pert aghd dtuod inserted in fanmgerous hi-bumpmn life to do somrthungm, comes to frumpy be aloneitiin, niothjng ever
date of ah say smooth relste of course agd thrn feel wasn;t enough so go csreer ambition is it?, of develop the i missed it i operasrte thus msdchuine hinmn i missed it lying wonklt help i worse missed t i casbnt saty i mussed it agd stay talking, get to know this, anyine, of caslsdnfer, days, night, day, snaso off, snassp of shirt on, switch say so studiousoid soiledlost find feet go walk durt trscks with shoers on
subliminally, simultanmeously, in it, niothug thst will ever create so down low, so wanted, no materials ever make "I;ll buiy thdt" "I lovbe you, fyur that"
marriage of immaterialages swirling lame with splint more real than solid reality try again, go here not assume come into human life, be at once so frightened, deal with being scared notsmall shudderng, alongside the sweat brainomammagger the confidence mansger he left me ehoerver i am myu cintolks be as it all or thus whern time in unuiverse of we know how littke twist knob on side do we but we don't intoxisemblenceeducated with a way to do is secret-nothing no one knows it really works thuis good, it isn't
but who breathes a create alongsyde thst is knowing it is nit good enough the wotkld is gertting worse barely frail interpret beside each hi mind quiet on this a bit silent into fscts of thus wait wasrch wuith fsce say with mouth say little to it cabnt be of every misintroreted thuis angel solied underwaser no weings sewb tigrther soiled like a stiry told like iot was ertuitten like it is anmythujng niwstory on it, not story perversion liked iot is sobre hsrd darts too muchj medusdtyuion or good grund feel fesr so loneky weithout anyone so work this without joy easse sexboreual want borial forestgrdyally chdnge library to oh takes a holiday, just walks a bit, in entiresame day .., everyune a earth pocket of might-misery mist and joy morning go and wash a person in no reach them letter weakness
said it didn't say it, enjoy see it further no sewing hold up knots
will keep lines spasces of let me get together this known as take photos srasrs begjnning in spsce nit thuias here ever to impossibility no forge ahead skills get better and better stay in fukll fsce regyusdter hinmnity cassial grt inmti csre cikncernm but ifnt in the nd was missing nio higherr hright work thr scsrted wthun autmstiv csrung "you show" this to each other, work it, go on it, no strange intry-go along doubtdced get stranger/ auto-caring shows this to each other hopes fuir m,ore thdn rysdh suggest odd ajd go toyuch never t intelspasce so delicasrte furgerts ahdff tiyuches nit so good itls oksdy as few times why gorge amd never hve thus recyurded dumb thng sayd is it rught therte hesrs sd respinded to thst nit preted you sayu it all the tkme enterer that
itym nit here thisdid a okay summer assryzealomist ad-try mystyery of lert real thingno room lot of facecars at lights clothe me lime-green cherry-red cautiion-yellow never seen to be stopping going then apologize for brightness see safe traffic of this nit dryugs o peole mobikng borders fur i need ti feel i vant dio any of thus world
last scrawl many moregalleryso crazy unwieldy the high ceilings pieces of asrrested fyr fraudaide gallery oweners need squirrel away somrthuing no fruit to rub a nesr-to-criminalbelly too large individual apples pears coming out fasrm of snoozeare good when in season say sigh-snoworatry the years go winter not lie falling snow by tree as strange as humans are strange in hair back pushed back and forth empty air
no dandryff of brand no see capture photio look at drift be whatusterith asterisk no dimrnsiion work it complete a notion
i have to peek ion close in thus i cam hsrdky resduit it on blog making here ahd i dint kniw how tio work cvvikmoputer say anythug be as sdtunmbke ghert uin iommortal bsd cinversatiion .. flow so muserkly .. but made uit .. no cjkntrsguldtuiions live thus workld
no, too proud "at truth" it isn't
of am nsde aliens sdhsre as truesfporridgegood not too tasty
too scsred to go out uintefsce weuith humn reality not working :"I wish hell of get parking apace held succeed space at this" writewhile thry dio theryr job "justy bull of strike a no back away operating system and bonds hold hands say try ice cream dotzee a person" succeed at colour .. any inme says "he's had all the chdnces" djnt even mrntion ther the shsred in me no spsce contained wanders beautiofully no winsome brumma abrupttality agajnst him, love history of any of world across ocvean here anywhjere family, confused the dignity stripped away would it ever work odd complaints go a 100 seated on wooden chaors opaint scrstched worn a bit miles away do it almost a reject says iot beasitfuklly here ahd there "nit good ernough" "cvome hkme" "be home" "be earth" everyone .. snippets end begin kind rekindle need only tea and ahm thdt rush-rsdh nuit dyfftycuklty ache to "I;m busted at busy enogh" stopped a repair job no good spoon in yogurt some graniola bit of whipped cream not so good lunch bought hurriedly from store older of observe tap in spend no hungry hours here computer I need the resolve a not so bad at expressing the titally missing to at once do a pushy thng at ince do a lovjng thing tio whst whsty is thuis in each of us all over the plsce aching "all over the pksdce" "cant say its fyrm" to thus, we each look at each otherr .. ast thus laste stsge in uitksd nerver looked dt flimasy grts thrtough almosdt // to it all // food hasd a but cabbned pesches in tuoppewasre in frudge ahd a peabnuit bitter sadwuch nut ebniough whjy am i doing thusd
for eating berries, nothing more to combinstyins of interpretstyions come in of lack spsce say unbeknownst ordinsry furm leap forwaerd ,.. no kniown take in ionterprtet empyy oprceeed connercvt mess so resume apply for this job nowhere look left look right cross the street of nothing a think and resume or bundle anything like this sales to people with no money no .. no a word a small change in save up yes .. reverse did you have enoyugh good experiences of so spscey wrong and sweasrttyyu nerrvous plunge intio nerver thus begins sponsered ryder goggles boots of pondered quickly fyurevber racing got none of repaopr for get out there again never the point daste love hsve uintercourse like thus when talk uninterperhaouseuis-course see be in yiu usesrth swirling fyrms origami thrilling whrn see fyr real in medydtion unfold book sfteer 24 yesrs aged in life .. time spent doing meditation during those days .. no admired vooha-ildoo boy at poomeduietion strange uinmtebnse no just garlabnrbsge cue in lab of cannedoyoflort ot floatlike would work nothing does feel that what uisd it ever commin langusge no transnational airport jstuiiongenuine the right reson seats and carryon bagahd the act was this go pick up afterwards awkwasrd send thoughts csrruin no person flight go anywhere be less thsdn thought secret more than itjust lonesome wruiter chase gum pack spearmint rot dental work try try be alive dyufferebt arenlt exceot bad rooll lawn air brysh grass with hahnd fur of animalinto mere any try a hint if good all ios just not so grerst am blah me ate me not all chassed of say tyhje the exysdt solid go out iof insde so scasred inuitially whst isd it
what ias - care barely see this ehsdt is weritten too small picture
no ionipdeal or toy go out of all of us want deal, finally rescind sprnd time on slower thingsof any worldperson be so i dunt want to see thsdt if yiou of me further develop no messdipa ditch its phone gravy no the technological mud piece it tuigerther we can talk being worthless mud of a thousabnd fjngers a thousasdndf yesrs made olden daustryc no life no in personhanfg around street cornerno no one this way heave parity burth whole house any sigh, the pldyed weith - cintasin unity a loose futs esrth come desperastely needs "somerthjng so dufferent" "or sioesmt occur to minmd has it every inmventuiion ahd no precious concerned named delivered mind it giues for the farther car ride inverse-intebnd town anation"
the dtiguise or the phlegm of banal stultify lent me jusdt wsrped mental; case of near person, no one really drinks that .. as esrth enmity cascasdes inmto no more or l;ess shap yioure okaymentalmint breathj miners go dig antethers .. "anti oh, well" amongst all the im,possibility odd be soft and kind bewildered polite humbkly "we donlt do it, all biology ecosmightatsay words like so kind into unkniwn land inmtended not jusdt esrth be all end of line grt you back in shape of the initial baby of talk we as goung ti do as millions fail any of thus i did not all as is look at this earth have a coffee by the side of the road sad systems .. we loved roads go slower look at it here intendot dot,of life losdt in shambkes on ionmternetwhy ios ot going moss swayingsuppiing" as gentky meal live on tree based in alive tour it alljusdt be more thdn criticism, me too, Im nit psrt of no-abuse-anmyimre thern found out fyur pdyung exascvtly whsdty I;m priotestung
I'm not real, obviously
no one is. get a day, trim trees, rake lawn, go for walk
of even realize state of ftirndlinesss into thisd real fruends fyur whst, nuit be njcve, thrn clue be restaurant sit in ioutdoors no rabkes sests waiters no fieklsd prined no grand ryck sdhiw festyval nithung
no setup to weasrkly all of us never nmade s ryernd like thus ever
realirtty is so popwerful, it sure is
amd pretty l;isc busghes, sure sre, ahd burd's wings, and anstimy say it
strange creatures scout out, of not even a pen and past pad words so cuttingknife, a fib a instuigsdtur nore-starter, (snore-starter?" I amstick of scrastch mud from running shoes, a tent of rainy sky let rain, a tarp of open face it
pegs int griund hold tent up sku and himn dennded of, a wash basin, one for washing dishes, one for washing face holes in finsbce health
wash theclothes
ever fasce so i dnt undersrad
tents of hold ne sleep me intop, campgrounds, force voice, or wander, as a little kid, was safe
campgrounds of the starts to this, camp hears us dry gentle it's about laugh no hurt loss tongue of ground tech atry tecxtonic rock texts nothing infinite smile imilet amuklet forget it let it go, levitrytaters, hover, no created unison, miles kilometres smiles to what then no scale of hug a roadside gem being vast weeds incredible to see and little at people same shorts weedfs out bottomexert life express that
jolly ickles or not disgustedr
did you moreremember it?
stroll unclean classrooms outdoors no one stay put a door a lockbeginning in mind mud or room could be hold cleanmind sit back share nothing with another nervous softwise no slot no dysc flyingsift nowhere thoughts now here hue of mint-ah-odd not be so scared give leeway disparate no move slightsguise oprude inm rught dtsddguise comnined nuit be disguise a thought is .. thouthumthought handdufferent of hid in handhuman do this resisted reality years bellsending gettuing older dinner bell workforce of rthe job no one does generastiions of the dyurtest job crazy of be close to be agd do somrthing we didnt do we do it last in it or stsying asvuibrasbnt iof both see supplemt it if nt life to it thus thst at all nboler in grsce to receyuve thst kneel say to nme venture sold shoes to feet pay as thry fut thast's all to life here guven no freefur the queen? I guess so tender in a place exchange for
or holding the notion of begin, and do something else with it
forever here
standard bely the best bargain of in a binding of book begin
is there a grand sew tigrther hold tiogerther trashsired treasuredsomtyibne gave it to meekallmediid allows medicalthat live that inside of us I don't even have either ask in time float medical allow groceries to "in there:" morelessney sendcashx .. or be inside swirling images innocebnt experuirnced lived thrtough taken down postyers, no faces of advertyused showesreally, of enjoy, not touch same personway, made
to understand way reaching out, less benign yes lots loosening polls vote we rolled nap loan loam blaearthnket, against thank me, do I understand that reluctance, yeah I think so years a take resttoll brudge grudge walk it anyway
varying people with caught tension little mental case pull open concernmailbox like, as any sentview of earth slow delivery a wrute wuth has hads no decided exactsf stay be scrosds vioid person act like one we acceopt youlngudger seems grudghe randim grungy anmythug siome dionklt want recird waitfir gert him niwe to here like, a few miles, arid desert, used to be griwing no lush
but it is thereis viewed
more and more the clotheschances to be gremgramsmallpebble at museumare viewed
toand this
to it
ever .. language tert tasrt, all day error liked me in yiu see me do it, look at each other all day
gentle repose, not rancid and criticizing .. anything newow .. newwhyhurtbegin life .. as past anamatemustmaade anatomy, the real of earth figures push a littlejobs to the unknown prsctucal no theorize it toil sweat rude things continue continue of a made-up thing something behind it courses through no noticed in such heavy torturous times
I hardly notice either
no maniflattfesto flat expression zortaumbie, just scattered "uhmisaword papers, folded over in placed haphazardly miss a wordfor nothing i love youof it wrong, scrunched, in it all .. lack of total love chrinologucal linearrespect .. even from me tio you anythug look toucgh rest griound steel tan table .. ha sun be of uas steel us we maske it to thuis wehy life
each of us go along a made colour ti cheeks steel a use be as see morning do day daylight makes thus, no cells, medicine cells of plump anmd heaklthy heck sit and wait, dear a hospitals, inner lovenote, of understand this, and blob oask so some sum up you why
ever bus the sdtudents of daylight sit hohim endure every thing yioulre doing everyune see why asviouid take in the no speculately on suspectbuymeluncvh just lasyssezfaiure hsdve seen nothing casual drift a shirt in sunshune shame open im nut syure is will see nithu=ing i seek lullexplain pod of seeds floerspoor it huiw anmyimiorte in all thus appesr odd nut fettered st thus pouint, the frail, not sexual, gender, just, blah, ah forget it, I see the day now, ah forget it
come in
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