Sunday, 14 May 2017

do you have an odd drawing, and few words?

sitting at a table, developed at meditation, a swearing fool, no, none now, have better words, than commenting on woman's bodies, being dirty, have no originality, or it spoke a little, was there any - person dying, man dying, it encapsulated, central body, flesh, meditation power coming from where you don't know where visiting kissing softly person in between

let me see no stretch of ground I can't see a picture sooner

let me see on page

words scrawled over scribbled over say "poor humanity, eh?"

as if sit in a restaurant booth, have not much "yes, energy visits me - in me travels through, not sure - I say this" "me is dead" "or pictures, I bring a few, put on board, flat artist's board, would sometimes paint on, smooth, get from art store, I just use, place on .. show you, as if give .. are our fingers greasy, eating French fries .. or do we sip tea, keep clean, board, do you have a board

no stretch now, I can't see another picture


odd you look at drawing, you say to me "you are useless, as you, body, person, male, bag of bones .. more, we are harsh, I know you have more"

he says "for the phlegm, for my choking, a meditation, or unable to rise"  she says "you are a creep"  "I have been a  creep for a long time" he says
drawings push hold up what little contain

world, creeps, of words are so boring I thought you had more you hinted of more you a person male, female, redeeming, someone ask, this new ache me led has no new form

ache meet

saw that drawing there bring up rear farther down peek

"you ever have anything" she says "in all the years I have known you

"and I willful invent myself too to be here nonclassical conversation I cannot say or think this stay

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