no save me long book cover lie in bed half off supporting mattress room boxes things sent for pick inside of mouth scrape skin in nerves flick on wall
news show on that
confuse confabulate bus ride mind in house waits
shoes dirt floor plain floor okay
person walks in legible outline ghost pencil in store
people watch shoes, just walking
a person walks up, taps figure on shoulder
okay, dimension allows sliding not TV gaps in it happening
need you "so right to be here" ever plausible worked years is not a pose it in limited employment poem in gnarly unallowable reality happening
I see you have become that slightly
"poems" never born, were born more steadfastly
extra ingredients no one ever alive can create of themselves walk in these shoes pencil outline go out of house make something happen to world is wisdom not books not enough
I guess, we tend to get off-putting emotions see someone not blithering but sort of blithering, effects be alive, be honest about it ../ fabulous misinterpreted pose as just walk poetry unselfconscious just noble pure nonsense as undescribed inside scattered words .. world a person has to be scattered, reach limits - life is certainly "plush push me you there" honestly .. rest, ever find .. said it, exercises, stay sober intellect is finished talk as quiet meditation stable, there, a bit stable of still took risk .. see what's there