Tuesday, 19 January 2021

have you ever seen such odd words, travel with don't know at all what they mean, out of the place, but they get you


out of the place, travel as read very quietly .. as not believe in "super strange story" with what as no talk of, another thing no talk of .. gleefully read it full

very stark I don't want to see it beat up on street peeled from subway guck walk trail cares bush forest mind "as clean" little some of us words allow barely travel essence of existence no ticket read very carefully move very fast slow through it exit what has steel handcuffs on you, nods to this, only thing

woke a bastard cat on rail of sky words say "love when it's all over, you're depressed, find a way, curtains closed, peek out, smile" as move radical unmeaning finds tiniest beat down mind sick and collapsed rises breathes you're okay here no place found map of you hitchhiking easygoing slower shaking in mental home years lightbulb dangling from long cord yellowwalls brand name sore in its exercise no dim domain holding up used to be white pain painted mind emerge is okay to anyone to say salad way out coffee this, man sipping says

drive these cars

find these cars

words as down the street all windows shun shut

open as oddest thing to say mind in person does shopping in store hears none oof of this

plain sky barn is blue floating horsies throat is wigging across bleat sky demarcated to set apart my note to you anyone hear in world we have deconstructed maximum, and save shout and be arrested no sail now where who listens forms with you world of notes have no database no social network

aren't heard easily read

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