why then, cannot say certain words - don't come to mind - augment me fairly, as "never going to say"
when is carry computer equipment of no carry at all of no short note I worked I suffered in isolation I came together to say something I cannot say
dirty note .. from someone you know .. plain not sexual .. just "couldn't you do better?" or "glad to hear from you" little things, across distance, of human not understand human, or gloriously in strange language
are you going to do that
"take me out on a date, of words, you can't use, will never use in your life" she says .. filter through make coffee of crap mind is a bare beans grinded make awful addictive drink or speak straight and clean water just water at him is she kicking to attack finished or crunch toast be alone home alone without words exercising no communication ew-are you ever/ world stay away, I am not riderude in harrumph communicate/ don't want a sweet drink just tap water I trust thanks/ be away from men, she thinks .. be at eat an hour ago of food some nutrients base level stay alive body no extras happy to be there this say poky with this ew-writing too, get a beer mug of water, put on stove in kitchen, do burpees routine, first back-saving exercises, then a good scheduled warmup, then burpees, recommended from marine soldier, /we are all/on internet, just plain, no fluff, tough, and his recommended stretching afterwards
trust no /internet/world, /date/and some, to say - what?
now? augmented poor flavour, no part of fine sad-advertised lie to me company of food-yllls yells I always get I like them no now way tell then covid keeps me honour home/ food of "oh I like to it u-y you why"
sad at paunch paucity, not enough of something say to ill consuytime sway okay sit redread now embarrassed in these to me's I am many me's .. years mess .. of just world be floating through air not virus you breathe see better decide to say, not strong a lashing out be see deplete any energy now
give grow me pumunder light of sad contained safe me am I here where is here to say some
sit sat at tryble trouble me the on the table no odd video and everything
saying all that, somehow
clean drinking water words
when show spread of land head tilted back videos deplete my chi king meditation energy .. need to not take sexy like cocaine goes to my genitals need to save and ponder, back and forth, able to/ topnotch gone wasted am okay .. veritable tableau no one wants read, a wanted it-law of stay legal and just hunker down get better "it" of human definition, all of us, hard to stomach realize that/ weird call a caution-king good
the day's words say "the ugly harsh reality. do poets train in knife fighting? somehow I don't think so." of life, harshest training in give terminating a d-halo shallow life my own and living husk of life risk no knife me in words no, accepted gentleness goes somewhere nowhere yes a lot now and then catch me saying this never, beauty de-free-rewrite as real talk you can say, please don't bring a knife .. in a parking lot, grown men and women groups and armies of park cars put on covid mask walk alone go in get food, it's that nirmal get out fast/ never soell irmalsay/ soil fighting, over serene words they cannot say - too pose pretty roll me along cart wheels grocery store limit sanguine danger so consider choose words in what world sucky vomit won't break smart bread just be fast enter eat terse poetic nightmareie nuance I'll ever try say slim no extra nothing there spot-on-me-comlanguagepute-modify these years go rentalk mind say stay rental this grunt in bed as reality now these ones are them, top of too due-say-nice-things-dumb peanut butter is still food, and jam, strawberry jam, sometimes a treat .. necessary bullish butter me jar jam jar new so older please don't buy me car come alone walk for world.
she waits for unabashed sleazy then smart adorned world words of that mistake fancy.
that blumble pull say say anything like this.
when you show up.
in her life.
she already knows you.
any of us, no rough word train, no pompous gumption of computer be my side ally, in this world, meditation, as story, suffer, scribble at drawings, be in a house, stay safe, of communicate lost anonymous get off the couch of stare TV lush wait of covid is not good enough .. touch me - but that was the "gringe grittyoverall feeling" "no arriving" words it was always there, never there, as tally up rude, just enough, slip pig words into me as talk glare subside into order gas more in car go to station occasionally warm bed you eat food of lie alone content ate early enough do sleep hygiene sleep good
some was
mistake tether words be private yuck abomination better tender add up covid times reconsider if pay take-out ersatz words sallyrose okay none buckets blocks can unlimited of chili crack can open of need touch flesh of first say "okay it's been a long time" since talk, any was done, this way, never, okay slow interpret .. any .. to it
found wordworld win a talk
words plump push, I wish world apologize store extemporary unimportant someone said fun as alone brittle brave battle touched serene scarred hillside of smooth what's her inner won't say from screen scared to say awards show to me this much me and you in that camgirl site car lost lot find as exit store furtive ever most snow brushed off windshields still selling trying to make my way live life
abandon too much easy see young girls exposed, not my place, take fast shortcut, tip tokens, get groceries dull average barest no selling find in rewerp reword deer-p-in-toilet nature lost no-find internet move about social no degree hashtag nothing I really want to find
bleary found accident words say as form many years still accident writing skill at fresh new no human has honestly need some don't know what to call it get a good oink go through again see others as not rash intercourse need to be me
so bad to live honourable no one section and then I'm so terrible cute use you all other time sections to our marriage of politics purse lips kiss world time hours plates wrapped taker-out scar to me arrive strategic rife phone pose order to my head .. low hear need companymind never get through to other minds we'll cake very occasionally need brown wholegrain rice and raw broccoli baby carrots raw, a meal of no fancy just eat me as some soy sauce on rice and some what to drink .. it's all toboggan hours still on flat ground .. be okay ../, / we wept/ no cry/water, /get from fridge/ plain/apple juice/ surviving refreshing/ just leave me alone make a story to me this avoid compiossibplex road drive and fun be all over the place dungy you re-entertaining slop professional deducement know how go-odd it is, try, meter my angel .. mere strip too drive park crunch know me call me in short time life to say any like this go on shop never do there unidentified satisfy smaller wiggle to be warm in bed alone of this even with others fast life this level what I want from empty drifting around words to no being I ever met, all of you, augment now, found one suitable, property, not for sale, minds, y-teetewrthink this no identified made world progress wasn't asking
words we are done
good to do a walk mechanics this to you today to the cheerful way disparate coffee-air-pollute-drink-me as we all are comshownothingplex words
good to date as no body here to see as no walk born as a baby of all of us some older age never do this quite miracle to computers anything
I guess we need long-time not-much-money-to-offer sit with someone .. I like wander barely make a sense .. make a good sense ../ in this world catch me in fun over the hill I never see it ../ need crazy "are you on drugs?" just kidding .. you're going along good ../ I'd like someone spit out these odd words rhythm in person .. just assure me life is okay again .. is this a worth .. see nonsense insanity make it somewhere, slightly ../ visitors in for nonsense insanity, make it slightly ../ I like rhythms getting to health .. said the questionable, wow put that together been told never make that with a face looking at me ../ they like "their weird look" soothes you to say what mind can't do in rewrite right there ../ it is health
ReplyDelete/* 11:40 p.m. / ohtoo long writing “comment” so offline it is, in file collection bnews .. sorry