Tuesday, 7 December 2021

I'm a bit slow, of video, walking, behind video made .. of life / we are there, as not silly msdtryx of d hoodf movioe trhjrey wortk hdsrd ..? to spell it out, greeasee my palm, grt passt myt oiccup heere so bad to try - latyer, spell a lot bertter - whgen - can we coiverse, as us, humans


we all want to sit in a theatre back from us as we walk along, carried / see, referred to, some slight feeeling we cant maker ouyr .. invubsrte,/ incybate/ inveterate / .. failyre ../ of course grt uinti h9oimnn feeelings, can we / see, somreione impribve / .. no super-people sdeper-preople super-dyper-deeoer, nitr gds ./. watch people, if nit-cinbscious .. not-consdcuoius .. of evcerry momrtnt filled .. with just what people do


emerge later, talk of, talk as .. what being you coodlefsrtblemoish talk lstre crappy of coyrse poh all trhis time lste crappy now is that

not a teeter in sanity, not sure "is he playing a joke, let's rush at him, tackle him at as therste, of sky, and blue .. sad ewryte wsatercolite in tesr eytees sayinmg nithing" please don't, I am syriugghl;ung, I msy try toi keep it lught, my trrue pasin ids nit dsttrrsctyve


  1. The yes noyeah, snowy day walk averse to city verse to poem, perverse no say .. ever walk as light of mood .. as happy snow .. lightly .. not tethered to "know anybody" "know you all" no one hate snow in a field, just what ur-logo is, any company forlorn, not doing a damaging day


  2. is a day, full of heaving cries .. hear the news, first read the news, then hear the news, have all of a sudden it bursts out, go behind closed door .. no one .. care for your neighbours .. care for yourself .. care for the world .. where is the crazy .. too much .. to care for everything .. unique off your rocker originality no form, in gross motor function just get things done just stay safe if you can


  3. -
    (try to paste that into website, like too many trues, falter, include them, to life .. way out mistakes in tech included no slippery lies asked to do “to really make it work’ ‘you’ll see’ no I won’t see, as try the damn tries as part of a good tru nrvr comes wito fliw it ca’t but can we try as this everyone sees but personal too)

    Screen resds ehote lettern littlr bldck bkx | publnldhing ..| sees electircs is going to work |_ comment is too long | see elsewhere .. live with electirime
