Sunday, 29 January 2023

Stairs Snow


I was in a million contesrsinents, of snow tears, of dirt, of heat/ oh greez it just won't spell anything will it .. everyone lip of oh okay lied and came thtough, or half-lied, or made the best of it - what are we - what are we all - these human creatures?

kind of a lonely holding a cup picture - I'm so sorry for telling you stories, or opening my mouth at all - anyone says - a billion people, of tech and thrift me ask for timestores .. no one, hazy be procured real, the weather "can't see through you" no one go take a few more photos gp on kniw ecj pther yesrs tjst's a ryde thig ti say I like ot you msde ot

peopleodke in expkdin ot up to there "yes, thrn it guves wht all this is"

dimming sky

of hold your own, be the being you are, no one knows, not sex-change operations, or physically be here, or youth "of physically be here" "money change operations" money is nice, but a crazy joke, getting crazier and crazier .. walk with me in the snow, of just this backyard

as much as we can see



the youth of meditation-created-being, of bad story-created-being, blended, of many more "calls to eke out preparation, build, not know how" "begin" "even see" as that piece, this piece, we all want, to anything, our job

not born baby, not strange world "we just did the best with" as beings that "know" their part, stodgy, not enough "accosted past and loved of with being here fsrther than 'csrry ot out' 'I think I will, I see things' now that I don't, with these same eyes, silent camera, viruses, at home, be with 'in the house' 'out of the house' nowhere at all' pour down on internet, pretty storms aren't last dues in club not formed, from "they look happy ah innocent love life of plants water plants out a fir-naughty-have a candy is thing spoken is light form be as silent film a backyard you are cleaning up, some music accompany mine scarp piano I don't care notes, or graze assume a kiln .. showed the this' I knee three don't .. still hours was grated" as if function "words spell orate" "backyard total .. snow" fringy walk .. fall fall fall gently a lot this year, more this year them any yesr .. is it .. should have invested in double-snnoebloeronsyesd of slacker, a butter poky, for vsbk of hdnd vibrestes mountasins as I go iver, UF-utter flubO confused align no mix worth human nowhere to go create spell odd nostory

bleak lovely task, eotu, edge of iboverse, vervezzers, himns .. not a lot "begin" "a story" now .. either ler dyen, not kee ot uo, grocery dtures ajd bonk a loss rains and everything .. lonely turn away, into look me in the eye .. scared carry out story, see it happen snow miles and miles, exercise be strong carry this like bad swearword pleasant garden new snow another year of good same enough I don't call it lies this time, my own wearer, east is up, each of us

weather/ wear wet, wear cant-o-be scintillstung bells hind eith vase-floers-alone in it anuthig we want "no and yes, it idnt anythug we want" make this, stumble put a photo.. of med-shakeout .. feel the train behind the lace face heed photo mind

not cells, serums, drop droplets under microscope, no, nothing like that

wilder eye nose can no fly drone eye silent, more silent than snow falling


the sad beat of music bestdesk last at picture, beyond grasp the punch alone shadow join why up sunnier, walk with me, no ask feet in complete you are picture, no ask body, a lot of stiff askme there why-scrape rot the of course know reply, I'm really going at you now


a bit happier all reunion lie render pinches, or pine bee no buzzed need jest, still alone on show none very bad bed passable, or back of bike no picture oak tree pedaling small, has tux and ins, some things buy don't live surround opt .. further in the yard, black oak .. yoyo get wall-wallow-saviors from it, menials saddest like it .. or anyone, yards no work type or spell-repave, snow, plants, beck stairs, front street dip steps

that's all there is

and the house osttacize even there

of all of us
say something

of this, /after absorbingsdfter assirbsring world to turn a crap will never be there oirn fur srtirying up so much chi fro hsrd work t medustyin. ahd healing yourself

see sew-snow fall, on misspelled  squares sew them together can't think of it letters a face should be with me

thank you world utilize spsce a tiny ywo-sosce dhpuld be one-spsce quilt

I am okay, telling this miles sidewalk squares look up no just walk beside building one being no need look sharp as now its up its own wall of arms needing me holder honey edify mess less, middle-of-road not shopdrugs, just walk
rows any of us article for snow fluster ache writers no time like hours like thiscameras in hand of snow at us make their own rot-camera are watching us on the walking waking no figure rise out of snow, no pattern


harness harmless beings free the lamb

each day try

language in this world freeze my push at you fill in bad-spelled words then correct are not accurate or read they move along, there is no wash wash of just glow dirt go strange live in a vending back chime home each day go out because you're vending-all-crazy .. or feel snow now tell no one but you, and everyone .. tired spurted chi energy or it wasn't hit back of sweat pants pulled down .. so noun yarns plunders on sweatpants likes in swear pants sky nothing live person ramblers was there a long time go is alone as this now ever the eotu edge-of-the-universe paradigm glow grid story makes us all as this now .. ever we couldn't help on set with paper towels under assume ask for order it I'm sorry no criticize anyone over cold effortslaw by "better cabbage worked it isn't, title the heist go slow and ask on the day set out desperate no hey internet / on set with no notion of scripts "ask me ajhd tell me ahd converse bscl amd furth" of pill bottle smile/ a cadre of less computer of daily no build last mitten why new memory just give one laser a look forward moment in had it of lasers shuts off in wool mitten .. become beings not scramble see image that, at all


no snowflake be fancy ship, of anything, now

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