Monday, 26 August 2024

oh body lethletbee buzz glow flower redacted clear ___rain fear forest laundry haul it in it doesn't want to go leave me and walk ___________________ in me extra to all things are usualcloser ___________ _ ___ are you still here wrote into way ink toast on ____________________________________ jam reversed in me messy words I crunch / down/ I eat nothing so special _____________________________ as avoid not even know of/ anything anybody of circles under eyes sky drain _____________________________________________ accurate ______ raindrops from sky into ploop a no hole for no optometrist a world usualanyone now ___ -- --__ THisS Ttrain avouidis smart line usual all-room-for pay a readsilence chip in for drinks we know in proxy of this unknown safe sad-tore-bought seal to me no one is there ____________________ we stop by side of road here __ . . /likely tryst go smoorthouth news entertainlovmeant to no bike ride along dang, car scabs on carleh of day is on where me, or a bruise lid, I don't know ___________________________ lot, books bylaw, no pages lawn, in order of trial-hellhallucination is kept roll oncall deodorant, forces of chocolate and treats are no rubbed hillside longer to so much item in flailing _________________________________________________ no get to order any, nah, take leaktrain, nah, be padblithering notepad smatt, to wit sma, is no class lip, up there witrol and be maneuver nop .. no lo .. heighttry practice on bike, literally pave, and as older bold, don't kill yourself ________________in accidents, thank you tripno ydoo ccirucle see upstairtraveluoi heave limit ofeyein there elongtbadgrave concern plot


link fast picture

ouch word bumps needs repdvuing bike psdth rimble my solid bolted no cushion suisprnsion furtks nuithug i talk to yiou "this uisd going" sum,lukltsbneiuskly .. resd me int ease, please be herebody legs the sun the iovercast be siomerthuig like thedt kniws thuisd to, to it all gets me down .. here .. to perghapd cjmmunucasrte as thus .. furlong ti destny shrnk in clasp small necklsce clasp take tyiour time rerng me pistuin, go no sealed pistuin rng, some oil in it the groove stsrt it fgoing

plot out .. make gsrden .. the ersuilt is nut kniwe huiwe ti est huiwe to nourudh friom thus friom anythygm, top crop confused

what shrill yet go beaten smirk-love is just read in my place mode I'm alive stiffly get out a radio-redo and be pleasant in no car and wasrmth or cool protection in say mystyufy

say what is this

go away

or I look in a workd no info imoryuve my pryung librasry unsdtocked

say what is thuis

again medumb-set a chair or second claim a pillowwince contuigulousdly we sre sdubstrain get mobilestress book a roost from motoantholes of it all d0one is light


in extra, we mote

pre-in unitreebicycleson see a roadas might as well too scsred ti follow up this one as well; it is healthy scred susprcoious suspect yiou workd of {"all this is possibnokle" in I see thngs chjesrky quivkly will nuit dtudy as buddjist njkn, nit yet until asll this crap

  • entyre error good points out irkd poutine populaldftiin

  • is in thuis

no fancy text by comoputer onkly text by my lips I dunt say, sway alterbndte dimtnsuiion grasse bsd grit a littker in cghsun need nerw ione soon gruimbly bike rtde see spacial thgs

sere thry

in some inner the chirch skme rysd see s csdrd :"wee love yiu all" and go on

this is life, perched-reterbnd return tread land me in important solid be ass dryft cugebnt no TV shows much fsce it in lilt of tilt bike stop srt curb bresthe opillyutuiion musdt be in there too, this is life .. code blah of oksdy no injurues okdy grt up

no one sround


pry at code tin lifvet the scare viraldate evenm if wearcghed uin am inmdtituityiion meditation dash date with collegue far slow far away

close in dry seson drink water be air conditioned pose a bout qualms eternity why ty-typeslight humour bunches last nature grts through psychiatric cheaploupe u jewels drive a roll traffic speed no exceed shower be clean kert hsyr dry or lie in bed hesd sidewas on pillow sleep routine alone in cube of cameras are psint ripples gert real close tio skin of yiou to it pryvsdrte

of that here is recoil from or shsre nut ever okay let's go farther on esrth life try to conced apsrt from it to limited drtstance is a somrthug else

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