Tuesday, 10 September 2024

and doors one, or continue


oh, the green lush who are you and what is this, for letters, handwritten, fold some, super-important, first write some on the paper, progress, where we've all come, on paper of empty air, fold into containers, reality, what we perceive so far - send




/ 9:50 a.m. Tuesday, September 10, 2024 / I’m okay, still have some phlegm in my throat and chest .. but it’s getting better .. had 7 ½ hours of sleep last night, which is good .. this world, as if trust .. I watched po(or of get food thiough be sitrn last night .. but for me .. didn’t mas(s fyurgetfulness of get sick be dodge as slow can't walkturbate and come last night .. I think a lot of joining between people “leaves a lot to be desired” it’s as if a mystery being exists back in each of us, and it’s just not coming out – not to do with see a lot in not be so quick get and be as no talk but talkxuality .. just a bleak world, like housing, affordable housing .. see the bizarre just curling menacing awful this of a truth .. like financial firms, buying up older apartment buildings, which are affordable housing, solid, already there .. then these financial firms going about “making affordable housing disappear” “that was already there” “improving the apartments” pricing way out of range .. people kicked out, nowhere to go .. we’re talking 10’s of thousands of units, disappearing yearly


And so when the government is talking about “we’re in a desperate housing situation”


You are sad


This is the life of sad – there is some fight in people, but ..


So I did a 1+1 this morning .. I was able to do that .. after a long sleep though, not eating .. and slowly gaining back weight day-to-day .. but difficult, good to sleep, but hurt from the weight loss, still .. and do a 1+1


A little figure, visitor not from here, couldn’t walk, space, just turn his arms, stretch out hands a bit, had not enough room to walk .. it’s like that, it’s not a forcefield, it’s an attitude .. people not abhorred, more take it as a shrug “okay.  So what.” that’s all visitors want, and that area .. is not ground “humans” “earth” a ground the visitors want .. no .. and a sky .. different .. surroundings, no power over .. visitors walk in


It can’t be called “sky” and it’s not a “computer simulation” it’s just laissez-faire no tell anyone not worth it be able to “breathe” of same earth ground, and no one shining a light, setting up a powerbank, shining bright lights, no .. how you feel, your eyes, your face, the surroundings conducive to that, you feel better


That’s all it is


A lot, for no identified physical being – get to what we all want – life – of not assert physical birth, a location, photos, papers filled out .. no, it moreover just in addition to official being, or need to see that, and react to that “to you” each of us, aren’t really us, requirements, physical .. the rest never gets developed, what is it “walk, thing” “and have a sky, thing” that isn’t a sky


Slow, no painted on everything, and the sky, not dripping paint, mess, some idiocy, you’re so angry



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