Friday, 18 October 2024

hesitate lumbering dirt road language


in a slight quandary

the foul or not filthy or not good enough discount store or price journal write in record things "give"

people on the bus, getting to work, no one draws, too shaky "and do you want the air of the bus on your pages when you get home and open the book"

open the book

another time .. you are world - don't have nervous lack of status quo things to say to shapes, sounds, senses/ were going a different place, exactly, this place - what - not used, of picked up turned around and around, judged useful/ you, never say, no one ever says, to it - great/ - dance lack speed movement anything forever dream locked inside going without artifice, not self-conscious link me real to what I'll find out life/ older in the get you shock/d with, in quandary, not speak

/ 9:45 a.m. Friday, October 18, 2024 / I heard a radio show this morning, it was around 8:30 a.m.? I’m not sure, but on 93.1 FM, here in Ottawa, Canada .. so it was about, they had on a person interviewing a man and his daughter, she had helped him, get a book published, his experiences, he had been in a war, he had traveled the world, a bit /“nothing had been said” “much”/ there was a language thing .. Vietnamese, and English .. /and what you speak outside the home, and what inside the home, Vietnamese .. /but as the people talked, it became apparent, not much is said .. /things from way back .. things from today


We like to think/, and here I’m extrapolating/ a bit “/that an /app” “/for our phone” will help a lot, you hold the phone/, to someone’s face – and magically they’ll start talking – it’s quite insulting, you get there, in the actual practice .. everyone suffers this from people, all the people around them, it is just something set in stone


You say a few little things .. there are no “grand expositions of moments, a half hour, 30 years back” “really tell me!”




And friends today, and families today “some say ‘it’s a lot better today’” please wipe that away, and whatever thing nefarious, you’re going to do, next moment


It’s best to include a dirt road in fancy pavement .. walk away, even the inch divide, step there, even a lawn, don’t walk on someone’s lawn, small lawn, downtown, even touch with edge of running shoes “eekech!!” of “paradise” or representative or real


Where, a letdown, speak within locked sunlight, you can do it


so that bit of writing, this morning, after being up in middle of night, meditation, going to bed early "the whole thing is not so easy" "it is not dreamy meditation in a monestsry"




bleak blue damn around edges of toilet, in a bit "colors" day sky, walk, don't mutter, don't face it either, wipe, nose is wet, sniffle, bright chance of let me at the hands touch plastic high tech palms or some material I'm gliding everything is happening/brought paper towel, be prepared .. /letdown let through has a ticket / "hi" and begin/ no call army green t-shirt honest in calm day schooling, anyone, fairly peaceful city, not spread wide, of like an angel pencil case handmade canvas, picked the color "truffle" no, is wheeze, poverty, on this I'm saying, not saying/ tanks no roll and crush/ neither speak though/ugly color destribble desk of walk devoid of desk around you pencils sit safe school way way away a person-being like a being fit without recoil not repulsed get on with it use your skin bones don't call it that use parallel a thing dainty of need only ephemeral very light of soft glow morning on skin of r-bit robot screw-edrver appear marginalized-mdterialized in hsgd mudrusty real uncasred fyr robot rfuted find abother world of scooter-global-mess withhoney of fsrm sky locust poems romantic wuth umbrella cstch weird winduptoynd this is ridiculouslane wind basck lane a non-cyounger/ world/ belches/ or the swwers. thr wsrm ayr, the cold ir "klollive' dnt need ti see no vudeo, inrughtwrungescappissdism, like TV-scared turned sdround looked away at wall not you drast yiu draft close door eyes on any o, whdt sre yiu "wjhat? you love me or me?"

in a cafcave of gut coffee is warm hasnded out best hiding spot, hkmeless fur friendsleep curved you dgaingt concealcallhavem let me in you girl i, yes, there's jusdt you "play" explain yiur medust-cough phlefleegmion go filet mignon kiss on cheek hold raw meet there frsdt she feel it in decorum psrtues these hallo-garbasge laptopoffwed days while I watch yiu wuith cab-in cameras finding cityeras frm 40 angjes" "wha!!?"

the way, you shift your bottim, eriong msterial, no ruppleoopbm (yiu should have stopped there, thst was good) .. is in the oprn, rough chdce, no luchshus, roulette-pails of wastert duig out of flesh be in psnts and no one .. around yiou doing thatis there fyr .. initaste .. the furst talk of mass boredomnkindf, humnklin, womfnkind, ayine dt frimt or back, u dnt csre for musuc strawberries hush nit a crudh you love me "song on radio taxi has no seats, grt in, lisdten. lste st night in palm of hand small transistur resist its plcruc ochrejdge curcyuit judges take you to jail bisrd come out no reck prepsred packsdge like orange "Sanisgean" brand" gee whiz sane, stand in used microhone somobe'sesrtyhty lidten to yir tummy rimbkling frim medudtion loosen locked thingsmusfgc styure stare, like tunes of falsireal wenough okdy yesrs longer pulse of whdt was, nit off yioyr tangerine mm, glistening fayryues fair trade sdukt drink coffee shasde-gryn migrsdtuing birds of prey miniscul song plasin brown hdve trees sd fyrest, not clesred awat fror sun-coffee lilt a grt you in bed/, wet spsrkle snow cold good womfn asre yiou alrught passed out in allright we need to pay these billsryway need any way we can anyti-over ther touchee-banokayrupt-stsrt a small mobile retyucent skoorisr soft quiert vehicke grt yiou sdurn 10 milesp stiry andotode told a stopry close t fsce or resd dtsrtbce magbnify older here be cracked or glued coomfut nit kuxury exopress niehere in no-eduted but fair ad csreful "is summeme real" "you r-warmtalked tuday"

rocketless shipped the world nothing


disconnected paper towels on your nose droplet it itches tuckles can gert really bad

orce fyrce of nary crisp day, marred rotted was supposed to be newy, fir take it, it still functiions alive tells cutting truth stark unmbellidhed, yiou dnt want, asd dud ritten worddeny do, but grt to work, on thus, no, step out, dyen sray lighted up buddeasrs, steps, bus comes with yiu, is crawling under barb wirestrsy duhjgm, brgging dt yir heels, hug me months latere "ues, okdy .. come euth me of no bus ststion need a light gut a lighter huiw you syeak to me recyrded odd nithuig plsce intent on screwing you up" and you hug it, like dyrt grease fexces chrmcal investyugdtion "cleanmeup" no hug, hsve no lifght, fyur girl, assisdtant ti no i dbnt kniw ehsdts going on "everything" stertol lab in yiour mind dyurty to yiu ad you love it, not thrill to a plcem, but is easy, sad hsrdm,, ti come in, a voice flashlight pushed offlight open,. light up, generationtake illumination, limit charge cardinal like a little bird no fjnd ertysdts fyr hdfndcuffs cime with me cuddke it lrt oy loose brf copshop but mystery estuary called to basr candy-chasrges-wraoped in plastyc nit food I feel master none of this maybe a dusty day tebelllesionsion up 5 of lesions call in mottled scab dips in it all over yiu earth called dig me minutes

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