As two people in line for same cvoffee slurp out of opposiote edges din't even lnowe easch other we knead our head with knuckles a breeze too difficult and dough
in face take slices of moments yesterleavealone day today all be here, odd colours make add “make a page of no drzwing capituslste a singke drawing even accessible, to disabled, read a ‘love to know you’ let’s forget about
that, let’s just live life, I wouldn’t call it pretend at theweldtebnd, welds bond to bend test in reality never give it more thdn comfuiy or niot dfint dsre hurt so much find the each mont supposed to besupple along the weld the way the world works hdrmoan let up belly brittle strong
walking round ad round the sdtraight line giuging it knickig it iot dtesnmt say iouh, but rsdther yrasimsd in "never ghoing ti haspprn" in thus life" each ofg us
the lasdfy pushes thr mfn off her cup "fyr drizzels sake!" germs, battkle, inner .. no on give ristktel me yiu in there I'l stay, nmio msdttert i weill noty evem be there
years variants thry almosdt on holidayu tripsd, on gop top dtuire, grt generral suipplies .. ther vdguer dtm,osdpherre infers it "but cam you ouit aside mounts? lookingh dt mountains?" no
no one supplamt as room, fiuntutre, whdt simrine saers, supplamt thtm,. nut be ryde
start at thr begin
wow whsdt as great workld, no lazy sucked intio beige mud, relievung .. in thdt plsce hard vinyl floor, fcem scrstch needler irt lrt fjnd grroves, tree, sidewats, nit cut dten, judt reasdy of enture "thing" tell its trusdth, shjaspes out of "i:m sdure itks sollid" you get othert shapes
( you get other shapes, "I'm sure it's solid" tell ther truth to me in use these positiionsd yiour body sdtsdbnds there my bidfy dtasgds here, dionklt dio the xpected thug we can fill a few yesrs, whjdt sre you do in thrn
up wasrds
in no grsvity
im,portdbnce, grsvitas, we do thdt, l;esd tyo, frim, memory be oprtesent ubntasngling, touchjes it
( importance, gravitas, we do that, lead to, from memory be present untangling, touches it )
sre yiou can yiu dio that
( and further bracket .. are you sure you can do that, as doing it, it just happens, to landscape, bodies, pregnancy, not pregnancy, no, just explain, no, no hospital, not having human baby, or not described empty air do it, satellites spread
in no waste time, descend didn't even touch the second shape, so you're in a war
across the land
acriss the world
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