walk in. no one there. thirty, thirty-two people? still, no one there, go about .. do not let a little, give a little - yes - every day we tryu ast esch otheer you mert otherrs niw here now we speak never imoruved find thdt lsdtch go in close sdgain berhjknd you see sdomrtine thry're there/ sorrtro gives Lossgain a bit of try-info .. cry tears metal is the joining fluid, robots confused, still do not feel each other
like a newnuew news the lady Lossfain winderswghst he's saungm, sghe hesrs of, nit weuith huim, Lossfeign erverryine dhr knuiws feign weakness snake snapping what .. no oner be in thsdt hanne; handle htygrine sje cam hesr thrtm plfinkly "heygeine" eroght there deasl with them hdve a casual sdon;t stink wortld, get almost that wanted bit, don't, it takes longer, say it no glide list of lost things as a csr uiun trsfftc lodt to big eyes in sky firther thjdn sduirveuillfnce, rsrwely right in .. weruite in .. grt am sddress,. no onr kniws a lot of sddresses in everythjtgh a psderson sasrs nver go there fyr whdt ass ehsdt fujnd the firm ad do it, some make sense
really good in the try as right in the room no photo or video life from the beginning
that good, scurrilous went and tried to find in things that made sense
I came out alive
is life truly advbdbce dunt know .. hiwe ti descruv .. or be in opisotion .. druve .. kiss.. ehdt .. no sebnses sppedsges work move in fur be kind of illnopelmow
what lawn or wil unylu
life now
no machine, no mower, no face of yours on it
what is it now
more than hyper stance "besides that" feel clouohnmnmo
the store of paper, writing paper, pens, a bit over-the-top, shiny, or matte black, like stealth fighters .. be quiet .. peruse the store .. walk slow slow .. need a date, the act write no one mature enough no one knowledgeable enough in person no cameras on no slick "I must be something I'm not" of this heard of did a few times and wondered lackadaisically "of any" "no nothing in sight" "walk over a hill, know, nothing, hear of, learn, take in, forget, in nothing was a friend, of that, we talked so good - I made life the day, did things in that, never asked, to have that pocket closed, still walk, where, as what/ be watched for ridiculous, but soon joined in, no drink of whiskey or rum, just playful of dots squeeze roll around no gears/ gothen wrote/, with so refined paper, or random splotches recycled sold high
so high
never say hi, say hello, of anything .. near that great .. get a pen, clip your fingernails, wash your hands
no one be so harsh, ready to sling a quip, serve breakfast, ask for pay "fast language"
no .. ever sunlight in daylight of handshake far away of this never proffered close real close .. needs door, of faces are set in "know the you passed a line, you had it wrapped, no one, know, a line to each other, but it still wasn't good enough for a life was it .. all the surroundings, settings, a line never go bcvk niw be here in thus dtll srtved life srtsved off life savbed klife to do thus of coursebuy a frurnd kniws s rioimhouse, if you can, not likely these days of rooms all descryubed msde fuiurtnished everrythg mire ther thng we want nne lerft never guit it, and be "what's supposed to be in there" "what walks out each day" but doesn't .. what is it
no second chance, didn't get it right, life, every moment, coffee offered to stranger hiding in her peculiar host of p[arty is in her no-see-me sweatpanmts loose dgoprt hsdurt juisdt an ejastyc pull it bsckl ssee anyine was nit pruvsdte of that, face so bold, can't face subterfuge is an ill society made up a lot more thdn rough or lipstyckk rouge, places in surface picture drawn well "each hopes 'hopefully drawn so dip into reality we never seewell' nobody bothers me seawall waves slapping like a couople in love, a few love me here and there divits of dirbsbreverumbkle" but not the rest of was clear it was there all the time
show me throttkle brakes swinf a lefg over sasddle of motircicke make these wordas like life repsired wester mfin leasks punctures fures the werwe you ever there, you know about that, fingers beside fingers, your hand, the other one
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